Changing outlook preferences via the plist file


Hi All. I'm trying to change this value from NO to YES.

Screenshot 2023-08-26 at 2.31.22 PM.png

This is located here: /Users/username/Library/Containers/

It essentially ensures that MS Teams is auto-defaulted to the preferred Meeting type when creating a new Calendar invite. I'm not sure what command/script I need to use for this.



Figured out HALF of the problem.

For the OLD version of Outlook on Mac, the command is:

defaults write OLCalendarEveryMeetingOnline -bool true

For the NEW version of Outlook, it isn't as simple. If you go into Outlook > Settings > Calendar : There's a section called 'Calendar Options'

Screenshot 2023-08-26 at 3.55.17 PM.png

Within here, you can click 'Configure' next to 'Add online meeting to all events'

Screenshot 2023-08-26 at 3.55.23 PM.png

I'd like to create a script/config profile that ensures the 'Microsoft Teams' option is selected by default. Meaning, if some users have it set to Zoom, I'd like to make sure it goes back to 'Microsoft Teams'.

Valued Contributor

It doesn't look like setting this preference via MDM is supported:

Valued Contributor

Sorry, I think I misread your post and assumed you were attempting to set the preference via MDM.

Have you tried changing the preference in the client and watching the .plist for changes?

Hello. I tried to do that, but wasn't exactly sure how to spot which changes have been made. For example, when I make the change, I see the .plist file was updated in Finder. But how do I see exactly which changes were made within the .plist itself?

Valued Contributor

Copy it to your desktop before making the change and review both files after to compare?