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02:39 PM
- last edited
3 weeks ago
I'm trying to push a Chemdraw 18 Professional Activation out, however I can't manage to get it Licensed. It looks as though the activation host is linked to the computer's serial number. Any thoughts?
Posted on 03-11-2019 11:22 PM
Not possible, has to be done manually via GUI once per machine. Response from PerkinElmer Inc.:
Unfortunately we don't have bulk or silent activation options for Mac OS, only for Windows.
Posted on 03-12-2019 07:10 AM
@davidhiggs Has anyone found any luck in scripting the activation?
Posted on 03-12-2019 07:55 AM
I worked around this activation by hiding the ChemDraw application itself in the Finder, using the command
chflags hidden "/Applications/ChemDraw"
and "replacing" it with an AppleScript application, named "ChemDraw Prime 18". The only thing this does is "hold down" the Option key while launching the real ChewDraw app, which instructs ChemDraw to use the older style of activation used prior to v16, where an license code was stored in /Library/Preferences/com.cambridgesoft.plist. You would need to contact your account manager to obtain the license keys to make this work, and distribute the plist to your clients.
Here's the contents of the AppleScript:
tell application "System Events"
key down option
tell application "ChemDraw 18.0"
tell application "System Events"
key up option
end tell
end tell
end tell
This definitely has its flaws, especially when running under Mojave - macOS will prompt the user if "ChemDraw Prime 18" should be allowed to control "ChemDraw 18", which will probably thoroughly confuse the user - but it's the best that I could come up with at the time.
Posted on 04-15-2019 08:51 AM
I tried AppleScirpt but ChemDraw 18 is asking Serial number and Registration Code. How I can get these? Because, they only provide activation code.
Posted on 09-04-2020 01:11 AM
I'm linking to the admin guide that I found on their site (with difficulty). They provide some instructions for Mac, but it's pretty clumsily written, so I'll summarise:
On first launch, the activation code will be applied, a dialog will appear to confirm, and (in theory) Activate.ini will be deleted. There's no true "silent" activation.
Posted on 09-05-2020 06:56 AM
@deej That's for V19.
Posted on 05-26-2021 08:29 AM
Posted on 08-05-2022 07:19 AM
@deej @jaugust @jgrant Can you tell me where the Activate.ini file should go? On a Windows computer I have to put it in C:\ProgramData\PerkinElmerInformatics\FNE\21.0\. Does it go in a similar place on a Mac? It seems like the similar location on a mac would be Users/Shared/com.perkinelmer.chemdraw.21/FNE. Thanks!
Posted on 08-05-2022 11:36 AM
For all versions, including v20 and 21, it goes into: /Applications/Activate.ini
One line, and one line only:
Activation Code=<your 16 digit/19 character activation code>
Activate.ini must be readable by users.
Add "chflags hidden /Applications/Activate.ini" to your PKG or your policy to hide its unMacliness from the world.