Chrome install issue

New Contributor II

I am having an issue with our Chrome install package for Self Service when a student goes to install it. Everything goes great with it but when you open it for the first you get 2 pop ups. One is about KSAdmin and the other Google Update Services but each ask for admin passwords. I would like to eliminate these pop ups and make sure it is a crisp install each time with no annoying pop ups.

Also, if these pop ups come up and I 'Allow Always' it will then not allow any other app to open and I will have to restart the computer to overcome this. Any thought on that one?



Contributor II

Did you package this using Composer? Did you use the pre-installed or snapshot, either one I'd double check the file locations and permissions of each item as it could have a vital part incorrect.

New Contributor III

We'd seen this when playing with whitelisting applications and the locations from which they could launch. KSAdmin/KSFetch were difficult to get working with whitelists..

New Contributor II

I did create it with Composer but the permissions part is where I think I am having this issue. I did go back to look at the permissions and I have set to root and everyone (instead of being set for under my name)-is there where I might have made the mistake?

Contributor III

@rohrt85 - To avoid that, you want to package the Keystone Agent files from /Library/Launch Agents & Daemons. Also the Google Software Updater. See screenshot. Also make sure you have opened Chrome on the machine you are packaging on once before adding it to composer.


New Contributor II

@pblake Thanks! I take it that I will have to make sure to open Chrome before hand and then I grab the 3 other files and put them in there as well?

Also, on the bottom of that page where it says R W X would I need to change anything there as well?

Contributor III

@rohrt85 - I would leave all the created files in Library as the same settings as created as they should all be owned by root:wheel. As for the, I would set your local admin as the owner and admin group as the group. Set the permissions as 755.


@pblake Does packaging Chrome like that also enable auto-updates without needing to enter admin credentials? I'm getting Update failed (error: 12) in Chrome when trying to Compose just like that.

Contributor III

Yes, those keystone agents allow updates to happen in the background.