Chrome Removing Itself from Dock - App Installers

New Contributor III

Chrome is removing itself from the dock after receiving today's Chrome update via App Installers.


Valued Contributor III

If Chrome is a key app for you, I'd suggest using Extended Stable Channel, managed via JAMF with configuration profile or CBCM.

Google has moved Chrome to a weekly release for Stable Channel:

Which is not an option for enterprise deployments.


I understand this, and thank you.

But if Chrome is going to remove itself from the dock when updated via App Installers, Jamf should not offer it in App Installers. Or explain the expected behavior.

Contributor III

This hit us on Day 1 of classes - not a fun day.

Contributor II

We've also had Chrome being deleted and not replaced.  I thought it was a one off occurrence a few Chrome releases ago but looking at some computer logs, I can verify this.  I don't know if anyone else has had this issue.  All the other apps we deploy through Jamf App Catalog don't seem to do this.

Contributor III

Received this from Jamf regarding my case on this today. Crossing fingers they have this figured out.


Just an update on the disappearing apps issue that recently affected Chrome, Edge and a few other Microsoft apps.

The team was able to verify the behavior when just using the original vendor installers (i.e removing App installers completely out of the process).

They were able to identify a common element across all of the installers and have implemented a workaround in the App Installers packages to address it. The code change was implemented in the latest version of Edge published in App Installers on the 25th of August and will flow through to all apps that we publish from now.

New Chrome definition just came out, so should have that fixed before day’s end.

I just got the same copy and paste message lol.

Contributor III

Any one else having staff with Account Recovery issues after this "fix".  We have had quite a few staff get logged out of their google accounts due to malware detection.