Posted on
08:49 AM
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I've been making my way through configuring CIS benchmark restrictions. I've been able to find ways to implement turning off all other sharing preferences in the System Preferences > Sharing Pane, but Bluetooth sharing has been a bit off.
My goal is to either disable bluetooth sharing by configuration profile or policy and then set a restriction for the sharing pan altogether. I can't seem to find a way to disable bluetooth sharing through the terminal for macOS Sierra using the "defaults" command. I've also tried disabling it through a custom configuration profile, but have not been able to locate what domain this setting is a part of or what value is needed to disable it.
Any tips?
Posted on 10-18-2017 09:13 AM
Have you checked out Jamf Professional service's CIS Settings?
Posted on 10-18-2017 09:53 AM
This one is trickier than your typical defaults write, since it's a user-level ByHost plist. Here's a quick and dirty script:
hardwareUUID=$(system_profiler SPHardwareDataType | grep 'Hardware UUID:' | cut -d: -f2 | tr -d ' ')
user_homes=($(ls /Users))
for user_name in ${user_homes[@]}; do
if [ -f "$plist_file" ]; then
echo "Writing settings for $user_name.."
defaults write "$plist_file" PrefKeyServicesEnabled -bool false
chown $user_name $plist_file
killall blued
Posted on 10-19-2017 10:01 AM
@golbiga Hmmm I have not seen that yet. I'll do some testing. I played around with it a bit and was having some issues re-mediating a few things. Unfortunately, bluetooth was one of the things I had trouble re-mediating. I'll keep testing though.
@bmodesitt hmm this seemed to work. I'll have to take a look at a few of these commands and your workflow. This is a good teachable moment seeing as I'm a beginner at scripting.