Clear username from computer record

Valued Contributor II

We have usernames populated using "jamf recon -endUsername $user" on many machines.

Is there a way to use the -endUsername option to clear the username record?


Legendary Contributor III

That script looked very familiar. It took a couple of searches to locate it, but looks like it came from this thread:

Just a quick note: There's a slightly modified version on the same thread posted by the OP that uses the Mac's serial number instead of a MAC address. I've made it habit myself to start using the Serial number lately with many of my API scripts.

View solution in original post


New Contributor III

This is the script we use. Pretty sure I got it off of here in the past, just make sure you fill in the apiUser, apiPass, and jssURL fields.

If I find exactly where I got it I'll give credit :D

We have this run on any computer that has the wrong name (IT Support account) and also automatically on newly imaged computers before they are assigned to users.


## Change these 3 variables to match your setup. API account must have API write privs
apiUser=" ***** "
apiPass=" ***** "
jssURL=" ***** "

## get this Mac's MAC address
MAC=$( networksetup -getmacaddress en0 | awk '{print $3}' | sed 's/:/./g' )

## Create the xml for upload via API
echo "<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
</computer>" > "/tmp/blank_location.xml"

## Now upload the xml file
curl -s -k -u "${apiUser}:${apiPass}" "${jssURL}/JSSResource/computers/macaddress/$MAC" -T /tmp/blank_location.xml -X PUT

Legendary Contributor III

That script looked very familiar. It took a couple of searches to locate it, but looks like it came from this thread:

Just a quick note: There's a slightly modified version on the same thread posted by the OP that uses the Mac's serial number instead of a MAC address. I've made it habit myself to start using the Serial number lately with many of my API scripts.

Valued Contributor II

Thanks to both of you. I do like the idea of using the serial number as we've gotten away from using MAC addresses wherever possible.