Code42 Incydr Extension Attributes for Deployment and Agent Health

New Contributor II

Disclaimer, while I work for Code42 software, these were built for internal use and are not part of the product. 

Hey, I wanted to share some extension attribute scripts I created for Code42 Incydr (Professional, Enterprise, Horizon, and Gov F2. - or more generically the A shoutout to @MLBZ521, as I used some logic from their scripts. A bit more specifically. there is logic built into these for local logging if you need that.  I hope others can find these useful. 


First is a script to validate that the Configuration Profile that is required to run the app is in place. This is a great pre-deployment check to make sure the application will run properly after install. 


# set -x

# Script Name:
# By:  Perrin Bishop-Wright / Created:  8/16/2022
# Version:  1.0.1 / Updated:  8/16/2022 / By:  PBW
# Description:  This script checks to see if the macOS endpoints (macOS 11 and higher) has the proper MDM settings for Code42 Incydr
#				applicatoin ( - Professional, Enterprise, Horizon, and Gov F2. 

## If capturing local logs specify the path below. If not change "locally_log" to false. 

write_to_log() {

	# Arguments
	# $1 = (str) Message that will be written to a log file

	local message="${1}"

	if [[ "${locally_log}" == "true" ]]; then

		if [[ ! -e "${local_logs}" ]]; then

			bin/mkdir -p "$( /usr/bin/dirname "${local_logs}" )"
			/usr/bin/touch "${local_logs}"


		time_stamp=$( /bin/date +%Y-%m-%d\ %H:%M:%S )
		echo "${time_stamp}:  ${message}" >> "${local_logs}"



report_result() {

	# Arguments
	# $1 = (str) Message that will be written to a log file

	local message="${1}"

	## If capturing local logs specify the message. If not comment out the line below. 
	write_to_log "C42 MDM Status:  ${message}"
	## JAMF Extension Attribute direction. If not comment out the line below. 
	echo "<result>${message}</result>"
	exit 0


PlistBuddy_Helper() {
	# Helper function to interact with plists.

	# Arguments
	# $1 = (str) action to perform on the plist
		# The "print" action expects to work text (passed to PlistBuddy via stdin), which can be generated via "print_xml"
	# $2 = (str) Path to plist or generated xml
	# $3 = (str) Key or key path to read
	# $4 = (str) Type that will be used for the value
	# $5 = (str) Value to be set to the passed key

	local action="${1}"
	local plist="${2}"
	local key="${3}"
	local type="${4}"
	local value="${5}"

	# Delete existing values if required
	if [[ "${action}" = "print_xml"  ]]; then

		/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -x -c "print" "${plist}" 2> /dev/null

	elif [[ "${action}" = "print"  ]]; then

		/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Print :${key}" /dev/stdin <<< "${plist}" 2> /dev/null

	elif [[ "${action}" = "add"  ]]; then

		# Configure values
		/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Add :${key} ${type} ${value}" "${plist}" > /dev/null 2>&1 || /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Set :${key} ${value}" "${plist}" > /dev/null 2>&1

	elif [[ "${action}" = "delete"  ]]; then

		/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Delete :${key} ${type}" "${plist}" > /dev/null 2>&1

	elif [[ "${action}" = "clear"  ]]; then

		/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "clear ${type}" "${plist}" > /dev/null 2>&1



#Check if MDM is active
tccdbVersion=$( /usr/bin/sqlite3 "/Library/Application Support/" "select value from admin where key == 'version';" )

#Read MDM Database 
tcc_mdm_db=$( PlistBuddy_Helper "print_xml" "/Library/Application Support/" )

#Check for Full Disk Access 
mdm_fda_enabled=$( PlistBuddy_Helper "print" "${tcc_mdm_db}" "com.code42.agent.extension:kTCCServiceSystemPolicyAllFiles:Allowed" )

#Check for Accessability
mdm_acc_enabled=$( PlistBuddy_Helper "print" "${tcc_mdm_db}" "com.code42.agent.extension:kTCCServiceAccessibility:Allowed" )

echo "$tccdbVersion"

if [[ "$tccdbVersion" < "19" ]]; then
	report_result "No MDM"
elif [[ "${tccdbVersion}" > "19" && "${mdm_fda_enabled}" = 1 && "${mdm_acc_enabled}" = 1 ]]; then
	report_result "Profile is Good"; 
elif [[ "${tccdbVersion}" > "19" && "${mdm_fda_enabled}" -ne 1 && "${mdm_acc_enabled}" = 1 ]]; then
	report_result "Full Disk Access is not set";
elif [[ "${tccdbVersion}" > "19" && "${mdm_fda_enabled}" = 1 && "${mdm_acc_enabled}" -ne 1 ]]; then
	report_result "Accessibility is not set";
elif [[ "${tccdbVersion}" > "19" && "${mdm_fda_enabled}" -ne 1 && "${mdm_acc_enabled}" -ne 1 ]]; then
	report_result "No PPPC Set";





Second is a script to check that the System Extension is in a good state.


# set -x

# Script Name:
# By:  Perrin Bishop-Wright / Created:  8/19/2022
# Version:  1.0.0 / Updated:  8/19/2022 / By:  PBW
# Description:  This script checks to see if the macOS endpoint has the proper System Extension status for Code42 Incydr
#				applicatoin ( - Professional, Enterprise, Horizon, and Gov F2. 

## If capturing local logs specify the path below. If not change "locally_log" to false. 

write_to_log() {

	# Arguments
	# $1 = (str) Message that will be written to a log file

	local message="${1}"

	if [[ "${locally_log}" == "true" ]]; then

		if [[ ! -e "${local_logs}" ]]; then

			bin/mkdir -p "$( /usr/bin/dirname "${local_logs}" )"
			/usr/bin/touch "${local_logs}"


		time_stamp=$( /bin/date +%Y-%m-%d\ %H:%M:%S )
		echo "${time_stamp}:  ${message}" >> "${local_logs}"



report_result() {

	# Arguments
	# $1 = (str) Message that will be written to a log file

	local message="${1}"

	## If capturing local logs specify the message. If not comment out the line below. 
	write_to_log "C42 SysExt Status:  ${message}"
	## JAMF Extension Attribute direction. If not comment out the line below. 
	echo "<result>${message}</result>"
	exit 0


sys_ext_ctl=$(systemextensionsctl list | grep 9YV9435DHD | awk -F'	' {'print $6'})

echo "$sys_ext_ctl"

if [[ "$sys_ext_ctl" == "[activated enabled]" ]]; then
	report_result "[activated enabled]"
elif [[ "$sys_ext_ctl" == "[terminated waiting to uninstall on reboot]" ]]; then
	report_result "[terminated waiting to uninstall on reboot]"; 
#elif [[ "$sys_ext_ctl" == "$sys_ext_ctl" ]]; then
#	report_result "$sys_ext_ctl";
elif [[ "$sys_ext_ctl" = "" ]]; then	
	report_result "No System Extension";





Third is to grab the date of the last time the application sent data to the Incydr authority. 


# set -x

# Script Name:
# By:  Perrin Bishop-Wright / Created:  8/16/2022
# Version:  1.0.1 / Updated:  9/13/2022 / By:  PBW
# Description:  This script checks to see if the macOS endpoints (macOS 11 and higher) has the proper MDM settings for Code42 Incydr
#				applicatoin ( - Professional, Enterprise, Horizon, and Gov F2. 

## If capturing local logs specify the path below. If not change "locally_log" to false. 

write_to_log() {

	# Arguments
	# $1 = (str) Message that will be written to a log file

	local message="${1}"

	if [[ "${locally_log}" == "true" ]]; then

		if [[ ! -e "${local_logs}" ]]; then

			bin/mkdir -p "$( /usr/bin/dirname "${local_logs}" )"
			/usr/bin/touch "${local_logs}"


		time_stamp=$( /bin/date +%Y-%m-%d\ %H:%M:%S )
		echo "${time_stamp}:  ${message}" >> "${local_logs}"



report_result() {

	# Arguments
	# $1 = (str) Message that will be written to a log file

	local message="${1}"

	## If capturing local logs specify the message. If not comment out the line below. 
	write_to_log "C42 Last Transmit:  ${message}"
	## JAMF Extension Attribute direction. If not comment out the line below. 
	echo "<result>${message}</result>"
	exit 0


last_transmit=$(grep "message_tran | Transmitted" /Library/Application\ Support/Code42-AAT/Data/logs/code42-aat.log |tail -1 | awk '{print $1}')

report_result "$last_transmit"







New Contributor III

This is great! Thank you!

Small edits:

In your second script:

bin/mkdir -p "$( /usr/bin/dirname "${local_logs}" )"

should be:

/bin/mkdir -p "$( /usr/bin/dirname "${local_logs}" )"


And for the last script. Code42 AAT moved their logs:

last_transmit=$(grep "message_tran | Transmitted" /Library/Application\ Support/Code42-AAT/Data/logs/code42-aat.log |tail -1 | awk '{print $1}')


last_transmit=$(grep "message_tran | Transmitted" /Library/Application\ Support/Code42-AAT/logs/code42-aat.log |tail -1 | awk '{print $1}')