Collage App

New Contributor

So we use an app called Collage to mirror to our interactive flat panels. The app is from the company we purchased the panels from.  The app seems to install fine via self service and I have a configuration file to allow standard user to allow app for screensharing. The problem I am having is every time they launch the app they get hit with this dialog box that ask for admin pw. The admin pw is needed in order to send audio to the board wirelessly. If you hit cancel it will mirror the screen but it will not send audio unless you enter the admin password. Once the admin pw is entered the app works fine but how do I get the admin password sent with out the standard users seeing this box. Last resort is manually entering the admin pw on every teachers device. Staff is using 2020(intel) 13inch MBP and are on the latest Big Sur. Any advice? Already contacted the company but so far they have not had anyone deploy this app via Jamf I guess.Screen Shot 2022-07-20 at 12.48.37 PM.png


Valued Contributor II

Random guess here, but I suspect that the Collage is trying to install a helper app (or similar) in to a folder that requires admin access to write when it first launches. If you can figure out what the app or file that is being installed at first launch, you might be able to install it separately before launching the Collage app. 

I would ask the vendor if their app installs additional components on first run. 

New Contributor III

So you can take the that's hidden in the Application's resources folder. It copies the unzipped file to /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/HAL. You will want to have it owned by root:wheel and permissions to 755. That will stop the password prompt.

It also uses an Apple Script to try to enable Input monitoring. A bit fishy and not great. 

Kind of new to this process but would I need to package that driver or will this require a script to put it in that location.

New Contributor III

You would want to have a script that does the following after the app is copied to the /Applications directory:



#Unzip to a temp directory, overwrite any existing file
unzip -o /Applications/ -d /tmp

#Move to correct Directory
mv /tmp/MAXHUBAudio.driver /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/HAL

#Fix Owner/Group
chown root:wheel /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/HAL/MAXHUBAudio.driver 

#Fix Permissions
chmod 755 /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/HAL/MAXHUBAudio.driver 




So is it a matter of configuring the script payload within the policy that makes the collage app available. I have done that but it does not seem to work as I still get hit with the admin pw dialog box.Collage Deploy.png 

New Contributor III

You have the script set to Priority of After? There's no trigger so do you have it available in self service?

The script is set to after and the policy is set to deploy via self service.