Compare two Jamf instances

New Contributor

We have two Jamf Pro instances in use; one is a test environment and the other is our production environment.
Over the course of the last couple of years both instances might have entries the other one does not have.
At the moment I'm preparing a project to overhaul our instances so that our production server resembles our test server (as much as possible).

Do you know of any tools/tips to compare both servers? Ideally it generates some sort of report with found differences.
Any tips are much appreciated.


Contributor II

I use

Maby you can use that

Honored Contributor II
Honored Contributor II

You could use Leslie's Object Info project to pull info about each of the instances and then compare in Excel. I'm not sure of any other tool that would compare two. Jamf Migrator will let you migrate objects from one instance to another though.

New Contributor III

ditto jamf migrator. I've also used jamf sync to accomplish this goal.