config profile - application not using settings - Cisco Proximity

Valued Contributor III

I sure I'm just having a mild Monday senior moment. but.. 

I have a config profile deployed to provide settings for, everything looks correct.. but the application makes no use of it and happily ignores everything..  what am I missing here.. ?

Capture 2023-02-13 at 15.42.36.png


Legendary Contributor III

Hi, I'm not familiar with this particular program, so I can only speculate, but is it possible this requires the profile to be installed at the user level, in case you were deploying it at the system level? I've run into a few things that require it to be user level to apply correctly. I would at least try pushing it that way to see if it makes any difference.

Valued Contributor III

should have said.. tried that too and I'm sure I read that user level profiles are deprecated..  or maybe that was a cheese dream..