Posted on 10-28-2016 11:45 AM
I keep getting the below error when trying to configure something in Security & privacy. Any ideas?
Security & Privacy is not implemented.
Check the log for more information.
Posted on 11-01-2016 09:58 AM
I'm getting the same thing. My FileVault profile seems to no longer be working, and the last change I made was upgrading from 9.92 - 9.96.
I did see This Thread recommending database repair and optimization, but it seems in the thread it links that some people didn't have luck in related instances. I haven't tried it yet. If I get a chance to try it this afternoon, I'll post my results.
Posted on 11-01-2016 10:05 AM
I've got this error after upgrading from 9.81 to 9.96. I tried repairing tables per the thread mentioned above, and had no luck. My support has not been able to help me either.
Posted on 11-02-2016 12:09 PM
Just got a chance to try that database repair & optimization to no avail.
I checked earlier and if I create a new test config profile, the Security & Privacy payload can be applied and modified. I don't know my exact settings for that payload or I'd just recreate the profile and call it a day. Time for a service call...