Content Filtering - Avoid Built In & Enforce Blacklist

New Contributor

Hi all. In order to comply with a content restriction I need to be able to enforce a blacklist for 10 or so websites. I currently have these websites listed in the Content Filter section in a Configuration Profile. I'm currently using the "Built In: Limit Adult Content" filter and adding the websites we blacklist.  


I'm experiencing a problem where websites and content that our end users need to access is getting caught by the built in filter and therein becoming a barrier to how the iPads are used. I'm not seeing a quick way to only be able to blacklist websites without employing the built in filter. Does anyone know a way around this without using the "Built-in: Specific Websites Only" option and adding all of the websites that our end users would access? 



Contributor III

If you refer to the apple documentation :
you can create a custom payload for this instead of using the pre defined ones " WebContentFilter payload" / "Blocked sites".

The developer page shows it should be "DenylistURLS" string:

There is a example config on the page which you might need to play with. However if you download and install iMazing:
you can create a custom payload with that which will probably be a lot easier if you haven't created them before.


I've not used it myself, but it has the option tpo create one without enabling the adult content filter. The apple guide does say do not exceed 500 urls in the list.


New Contributor

Hi, thanks for the suggestions! Do you know where I'd be able to find a reference point for uploading the PLIST created from iMazing into a Config Profile in Jamf? I'm only finding material that contains instructions for uploading to Config Profiles for Mac.