Converting to source failed - Composer 10.25.0 - Big Sur

New Contributor

Newbie here, I searched for it but couldn't find it so please let me know if I'm looking in the wrong place.

I purchased Composer and I'm attempting to build at SentinelOne pkg to deploy in Jamf Now Plus. When I open the Composer app and follow the instructions I get an error halfway through that says "Converting to source Failed".

However, If I move over to a mac with Catalina on it, I have no trouble converting to a source package.

is there something on Big Sur I need to change in order for to be able to use my mac and not a spare one to create packages?


New Contributor III

Stumbled upon your post searching for a solution as well. As a workaround you can install an earlier version of the Jamf Pro suite. I downloaded 10.10.0, and Composer works on Big Sur for me.

Valued Contributor II

I'm also getting 'converting to source failed' using 10.28.0 on both Big Sur and Catalina. Gonna try version 10.26.0