Posted on
06:09 PM
- last edited
a week ago
Hi all,
I have a user who has a local profile that we want to be using a domain joined profile. The problem is his job role includes a lot of software/files and the new profile won't have permissions to all these things.
Is there any way to copy permissions from his existing local profile to his domain joined profile?
Posted on 09-17-2017 08:52 PM
This script should do the trick.
This script assumes that the computer is set to create a mobile account on login.
mv /Users/$OLDUSER /Users/$NEWUSER
chown -R $NEWUSER /Users/$NEWUSER
#Clean up the old mobile account
dscl localhost delete /Local/Default/Users/$OLDUSER
Posted on 09-18-2017 02:39 AM
HI a.stonham
Just a quick 1, If I was migrating data from a domain user to another computer. What would be your advisable steps for migrating the data also I have seen the permission error pop up before.
Posted on 09-25-2017 05:23 PM
Hi a.stonham,
what about locations which are not part of the user profile?