CrashPlan PROe--problem deploying through policy?


I've created a CrashPlanCustomInstallation.dmg and Install CrashPlanPROe.pkg per the JAMF white paper and created a policy to deploy to users. I set the priority for CrashPlanCustomInstallation.dmg to 8 and Install CrashPlanPROe.pkg to 10, so that the .dmg gets installed first as per the white paper.

When I run the policy through Self Service, the installation completes successfully and the CrashPlan PROe client starts up, but I get an error "Unable to connect to the backup engine. Retry?" If I click Yes, sometimes it will then work normally, other times I just get the error again. During one test, the CrashPlan app seized up at the splash screen.

If I deploy the .dmg and then separately deploy the .pkg to a client, it works beautifully, which makes me suspect that the .pkg installation is starting before the .dmg is finished...? Just a guess, I wouldn't have thought that Casper would be even starting the second package until the first was completed. Any clues? I need to get this working solidly before I can put it into Self Service for users.



I should note, I also get the same behavior if I deploy the packages together through Casper Remote. It only works right if I do the .dmg first, and then separately do the .pkg, whether through policy or through Remote.

Contributor II

@stevekahn we're just piloting CrashPlan PROe here as well (v3.6.1.4) and are not seeing these difficulties. I have set up our deployment as a similar CrashPlanCustomInstallation.dmg + CrashPlanPROe.pkg (default vendor installer package). In Casper Admin my custom DMG is set to priority 8, CrashPlan installer as priority 10 (same as you it sounds).

My CrashPlanCustomInstallation.dmg includes the file and I did experience quite a few initial headaches getting the file setup correctly.

Since we're only piloting, I'm only deploying via Self Service so I cannot comment on whether we'd see different results with a managed policy deployment.

Contributor II

double post

New Contributor III

@stevekahn Are you seeing this for 10.9 clients only or 10.8 as well? Our Self Service policy works beautifully under 10.8, but fails under 10.9.