Create user account with no password via Policy?

New Contributor III

I've been searching for an answer to this for a bit now - my apologies if this has been already asked and answered.

I used to be able to create local accounts via policy and use a blank password, definitely in the 8.x JSS and likely in early 9.x builds. I'm not sure when this changed, but as of 9.22, I am not able to do this.

I was editing an existing post-imaging policy that used to deploy a local "student" account with a blank password to scope it to a new set of machines, and the policy won't save (user password is now required to be non-blank).

Is there a method to create users with blank login passwords via the policy GUI?


Release Candidate Programs Tester

I don't know how to fix the problem with the policy GUI, but you can create local accounts with blank passwords using CreateUserPkg:

This utility build installer packages that create local user accounts when installed.

New Contributor III

Thank you for the suggestion.

I am familiar with PKG and script-based methods of creating users, just curious about the feature change - wondering if I missed something obvious. I prefer to expose what I can in Casper, where I can do it.

New Contributor

I'm sorry for bringing this up but I have an issue that this thread maybe good to help with. I have a package I created which drops in an default administrator home folder as well as a couple of others linked to it. I then used CreateUserPkg to make a package for that user.

Where I am stuck at is I created an extremely simple bash script to give ownership rights to the home folder to the user that I created. It works but only for the top tier user folder. All of the internal folders are still locked. Do i need to do this command for each folder under the /Users/<username> folder separately? The command I added was sudo chown -R /Users/<username>.

The reason I do this is, due to our environment, we still have to do quite a bit of hands on support. I built in some simple tools in the admin account so that our techs have them available.

I am going to be honest here. I got the job through others above me leaving. I just don't have very good scripting skills and I can get around using the command line but that is about it.

I have done research on here and elsewhere, including Rich's great website, but didn't find the exact thing I was looking for. Sorry for the long post just running out of ideas.

Legendary Contributor III

It needs to be done as:

chown -R <username> /Users/<username>

In other words, change ownership recursively (chown -R) using the account name of (<username>) for the owner and targeting the directory of (/Users/<username>)

New Contributor

Thanks mm22709. I'll edit it tomorrow when I am back at work. I also am going to try the steps listed here to make a single package instead of the three that I have.

I have been working on this for a while and end of finding a thread about it out of the blue. Go figure!