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06:47 AM
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a week ago
Hey there everyone. New to the world of Apple and JAMF. Looking for some information on what people are doing when it comes to updating Creative Cloud apps. Our creative users in the environment are currently using the 2017 version of Creative Cloud and I'm looking into upgrading them to 2019. I'm looking to do this through Self Service but wondering what the best course of action would be for packaging the Creative Cloud apps. Is it easier to package all of the apps into one big package and deploy it out or package each app individually and put them into Self Service for users to pick and choose as they see fit? I know both ways will work but I'm looking for what people have found to be the easier method and what works best for the end users.
Posted on 02-08-2019 04:30 AM
@drose66pens I had success with packaging the apps we offer for our students (Illustrator, Indesign, & Photoshop) as a bundle and then pushing them out that way. The issue we ran into was the licensing part because we had to upgrade that after we pushed the bundle out to all devices.
Uninstalling the previous version was a little tricky too but I was able to get all of this working very nicely through Jamf & Self Service.
If you have any questions let me know.
Posted on 02-08-2019 05:08 AM
I would consider creative "Self-Service Packages" if possible. By doing that your creative users would be able to apply updates themselves as well as older versions if needed.
However you'd still need to create an uninstaller for the CC2017-versions. That can be done using the Admin Console from Adobe.
Beware that CC2019 does not support a serial based installation, so your creative users need an Adobe ID. That can be handled in different ways depending on your organisations etc.
Posted on 02-08-2019 05:10 AM
Up until CC2019 I have been doing 1 big package. The success rate was not where I wanted it to be. So last week I did individual packages from the Adobe Admin Console and added all to 1 policy in JAMF. So far in limited testing it seems to be better.
Now if I do requests for an individual app I can easily create a policy for it.
Posted on 02-20-2019 01:30 PM
I would like to know if anyone has had success uninstalling all of the apps for Adobe Creative Cloud and installing the new shared version of Adobe Creative Cloud? Were there any scripts created to uninstall Adobe Creative Cloud? What were the steps involved for uninstalling and installing the new version?
Posted on 02-21-2019 06:38 AM
Uninstalling CC is a nightmare, at least my nightmare. Luckily the shared apps will go in labs which will get refreshed after Spring Semester
Posted on 02-21-2019 06:59 AM
I used Composer to capture a CC install, and then using that I wrote a script to remove all of the Adobe stuff wherever it was put. You have to do this for each version, as they put things in more creative places making it hard to remove. And a script is the only way to clear out user accounts of the settings. If you ask Adobe how to remove their apps, they will say re-image the Mac.
I package all of the Apps separately, and only push out what is needed where it is needed.
Posted on 02-21-2019 08:22 AM
What we did is we put just CC in self-service for teacher devices etc. However, for labs, we created a package on adobe admin console for what programs they are going to use. This is the first year we had CC so I didn't have to uninstall old versions.
Posted on 02-21-2019 12:13 PM
If there's one thing I've learned about any of these Adobe products it is:
Please do it the Adobe way, even if you know better. Otherwise, it will bite you.
I find uninstalls to be generally easy though. Use the Creative Cloud Packager (Or whatever they call the current one) and build your packages that way. You will get an uninstaller right along with the installer. I have the uninstaller cache on any machine that installs any such Adobe software. Then when it's uninstall time, I simply call that cached uninstaller. Combine that with the "CreativeCloudCleanerTool" and it works fairly well.
Posted on 02-21-2019 02:48 PM
I use the packager online to create packages for CC and specific apps. Then I wrap that pkg in a dmg because of size.
here's the script
instructions for packaging the pkg in dmg are in the script comments.
It was developed for CS5, but still works today.
Also, these work great with DEP, enrol, or self service
Posted on 02-22-2019 03:00 AM
If it helps, I've done some research and presented on the new Adobe SDL licensing -
Posted on 03-05-2020 03:35 AM
Hi all,
the new InstallPKGsfromDMG is available.
Passed parameters are
If you need/want to bypass an untrusted installer. Supply parameter 6 with "YES" without quotes, and parameter 7 with "YES" without quotes.
If you want to install multiple pkgs from a single DMG, supply parameter 9 with "YES" without quotes.
Parameters 5, 6, 7, and 9 can be used in conjunction with each other.
There's just some packages that just don't like being installed using the jamf binary.
Hope this helps...