Posted on 07-17-2014 03:41 AM
Hey all,
Anyone got a script to download and silently install Java as a script?
For example I found this for Flash Player. I don't remember where I found this.
(Kudos to the script writer whoever, wherever you are!!)
# This script downloads and installs the latest Flash player for compatible Macs
# Determine OS version
osvers=$(sw_vers -productVersion | awk -F. '{print $2}')
# Specify the complete address of the Adobe Flash Player
# disk image
# Specify name of downloaded disk image
if [[ ${osvers} -lt 6 ]]; then
echo "Adobe Flash Player is not available for Mac OS X 10.5.8 or below."
if [[ ${osvers} -ge 6 ]]; then
# Download the latest Adobe Flash Player software disk image
/usr/bin/curl --output "$flash_dmg" "$fileURL"
# Specify a /tmp/flashplayer.XXXX mountpoint for the disk image
TMPMOUNT=`/usr/bin/mktemp -d /tmp/flashplayer.XXXX`
# Mount the latest Flash Player disk image to /tmp/flashplayer.XXXX mountpoint
hdiutil attach "$flash_dmg" -mountpoint "$TMPMOUNT" -nobrowse -noverify -noautoopen
# Install Adobe Flash Player from the installer package stored inside the disk image
/usr/sbin/installer -dumplog -verbose -pkg "$(/usr/bin/find $TMPMOUNT -maxdepth 1 ( -iname *.pkg -o -iname *.mpkg ))" -target "/"
# Clean-up
# Unmount the Flash Player disk image from /tmp/flashplayer.XXXX
/usr/bin/hdiutil detach "$TMPMOUNT"
# Remove the /tmp/flashplayer.XXXX mountpoint
/bin/rm -rf "$TMPMOUNT"
# Remove the downloaded disk image
/bin/rm -rf "$flash_dmg"
exit 0
Posted on 07-22-2014 01:02 PM
This is from @rtrouton. I'd be interested to see a comparable script for Java (and Adobe Reader tbh).
Posted on 07-22-2014 01:08 PM
I recently updated that script, to make it more future-proof:
For Java and Adobe Reader updates, I've been using AutoPkg:
There's a new tool named AutoPkgr that's available to help with managing AutoPkg. I have a post on it here:
This post was about AutoPkgr's initial release, but the developer has already released a new version that incorporated feedback from the community:
Posted on 07-22-2014 01:50 PM
I just spent the last hour trying to figure out how all of that works and I still have no idea. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong or what any of it means, really. Git is still a bit of a mystery to me. Is there a way to find a direct download link for some of these apps aside from AutoPkg(r) for those of us that aren't as code-savvy or experienced with tools and services like this?
Posted on 07-28-2014 07:03 AM
For those getting started with AutoPkg, the Penn State MacAdmins Conference has just posted the video for Greg Neagle's AutoPkg session. It's available here on YouTube:
AutoPkg solves a lot of problems, including how to get both Oracle's Java 7 and Adobe's Reader installers. I really encourage folks to start checking it out if they haven't already.
Posted on 07-28-2014 08:34 AM
Will do!! Thanks rtrouton!!!
Posted on 01-02-2018 09:34 AM
Emily brings up a good point. Anyone have something comparable to a java auto install script?
In truth, if anyone knows a auto downloader site (FTP), that in itself could be useful just to try and manipulate the same script for java.