Current state of block copy from JDS using Casper Imaging/NetBoot?


I've hit a wall with this issue and I'm wondering if anyone has current info--I've found several threads discussing this that are fairly old and none of the solutions work for me.

I have an NBI with Mavericks 10.9.3 and Casper Imaging 9.32. JSS and JDS are also 9.32. OS/Mac model incompatibility is not an issue because I am netbooting the exact iMac that I built the NBI on. When I try to block copy an OS image in Casper Imaging, the Block Copy progress bar goes by in a couple of seconds, then Casper Imaging erases the drive and tries to install the DMG as a package, and then fails.

I have verified that I am disklessly NetBooting. Even so I tried all of the fixes I found related to that and they made no difference.

I've narrowed it down to a problem specifically with block copying an OS image hosted on my JDS. I can block copy the same OS image successfully from an SMB distribution point. When I was building the NBI, I did trust the SSL certs for my JSS and JDS. Anyone have any ideas?


Valued Contributor II

Hey all,

At the moment, we’ve got a couple of KBs that should help get the JDS (Linux or Mac) working for Netboot.

For RHEL/Ubuntu JDSes: Adding an AFP Share to a JDS Instance Installed on Linux

For Mac JDSes: Imaging using NetBoot and a JDS Instance

It looks like D-005796, which is mentioned earlier in this thread, is at a reopened status right now, which means our development team is taking another look at it to see what more can be done.

In the mean time, if you haven’t tried the steps listed in one of the two KBs linked above, that would be the next thing to try.

As always, please reach out to your Technical Account Manager if you’d like to get a case going, would prefer to have some additional assistance in going through the steps in the KB articles, or have additional questions that might need more in depth troubleshooting, and feel free to comment here as well.

Amanda Wulff
JAMF Software Support