04-06-2023 11:11 AM - edited 04-06-2023 12:14 PM
I am trying to set an email address as the office licensing activation email.
This is what is showing up on the profile on the test machine
OfficeActivationEmailAddress = "$O365_licensing_email"
Under the Application & Custom Settings paylods I have
Under the computer extension attributes I have:
What am I missing to get that email address populated into the profile payload?
Posted on 04-06-2023 12:14 PM
I figured out my own issue.
The string under the Custom settings payloads MUST be $EXTENSIONATTRIBUTE_#
Where the # is the id number from the URL when you have the extension attribute open under configuration.
In this case, 1, since it's the first variable I am creating.
I hope this reply helps someone else in the future.