Posted on 03-06-2017 11:21 AM
JSS v. 9.97
We have several iPads that are listed in Device Enrollment Program but become "Unassigned" to Prestage Enrollment. This has occurred across multiple sites and multiple unique Prestage Enrollment settings. Devices appear under DEP devices as "Unassigned" and in Prestage Enrollment scope with no check in the checkbox.
It seems to affect devices initially assigned over a year ago.
Anyone else seeing this? Is it a feature or a bug?
Posted on 04-20-2017 11:51 AM
I am seeing the same thing...Macs that are in DEP, but showing "Unassigned", how to Assign and in batch....
thx, john
Posted on 04-20-2017 04:39 PM
You didn't by chance upload the same serial to DEP again did you? We've had problems where a device gets put into DEP twice and the second time will leave it in the prestage but it will then say unassigned. It's still checked though, so it's probably a different case.