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07:30 AM
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I've been using our JSS (version 9.93) to push apps out to our labs (running Mac OS 10.11.6.) I have one app that has been giving me trouble - the Prinergy Evo client. It installed fine in the VM I used to create the package, but when I deploy it to the lab computers, it shows up with a "no" symbol through its icon. When I double-click the icon to start the application, it tells me that I cannot open the application because "PowerPC apps are no longer supported." It's not a PowerPC app, and I've tried capturing it several times, using all three methods in Composer, as well as capturing it on a live system (instead of in a VM) but it always ends up with the deployed app appearing to be a PowerPC app on the lab macs. Any ideas what might be happening, or what I can do to fix it?
Posted on 08-26-2016 10:22 AM
Check the permissions within the app bundle. Make sure the correct owner, group and other's are assigned. I've seen incorrect permission cause this type of error. Composer might be capturing the wrong information or depending how the app was installed and where it is going it captured the right permissions but wrong for the destination.
I'll typically make the owner of the app root and the group admin or wheel.
Permissions can be 775 or more restrictive depending on your needs and whom you need to give access to add and remove the app.
Be aware that certain files (launch daemon plists for example) require specific owners and permissions.