Deploying app not in the app store

New Contributor II


I'm looking to deploy an app that is not on the app store. The application is Splashtop and this app is used to remote into our Macs. In order for us to remote into our users Mac, we have to send this link and have them download the app. I wanted the process to be easier and just have this application downloaded onto all of our work Macs. Would there be a way to create a script to download this application directly from their site (still learning bash and a bit new)? Or would this be better to create a package through Composer? 


Any feedback is appreciated. Thanks in advance!


New Contributor III

Your best bet is to create a pkg using Composer and then upload that to your Jamf instance and deploy it via a policy


Another route to go would be to leverage Installomator - there is a label for two versions of Splashtop.  This way it's just a script reference and no packaging is needed.