Deploying Office Apps via PKG file / policy

New Contributor II

So I’m trying to install office apps and I tried going through the Mac Apps and it worked on all our test laptops but after that it was very very spotty and mostly unsuccessful so I’m trying to find ways around that now. 

I then downloaded the pkg files for teams outlook and onedrive and applied them via a policy setting it to continually check in. So far nothing.  What am I doing wrong?


Valued Contributor III

Try pushing the whole Microsoft Office package via 1 policy?

Office suite (with Teams)


New Contributor II

I did already :/ Had the same luck , big fat nothing 

Contributor II

You can try to find the error that occurred from Policies > Logs > details,

if you have a capture it might be easier for us to analyze the problem.

Valued Contributor

If having issues deploying mac app store directly after enrollment, check for stuck mdm commands to clear.

From the Trout himself..

I added this on startup trigger (after enrollment I trigger reboot then login screen) and exectute once every xx to suit. Worked a treat for me (completely may not fix other issues in your environment) and if cabled in and autoadvance, usually, I would have 3-4 or sometimes all ms apps ready by next login.

My fail safe (Office via PKG) is to have an items in self service for each of the required MS apps, to be triggered manually, downloading latest version (you could scapte for the versions or use MS deep url links that redirect to latest package).
Can run if App Store not installed yet and user is too impatient (aka students).
Obviously, Teams / OneDrive deploy via pkg always..

Policy : MS Word
Parameter value:





[ -e $xmlLocation ] && rm $xmlLocation

curl "" >> $xmlLocation

standaloneVersion=$( cat "$xmlLocation" | xmllint --xpath '//latest/package[id="'${packageID}'"]/cfbundleversion/text()' -)
downloadLink=$( cat $xmlLocation | xmllint --xpath '//latest/package[id="'${packageID}'"]/download/text()' -)

curl -L --silent --output /private/var/tmp/${packageID}.${standaloneVersion}.pkg "$downloadLink"
sleep 3
echo && echo "Installing ID: $packageID Version: $standaloneVersion" && echo && installer -pkg /private/var/tmp/${packageID}.${standaloneVersion}.pkg -target / && rm -rf /private/var/tmp/${packageID}.${standaloneVersion}.pkg

Contributor III

I use Microsoft's scripts to curl and install the latest Office versions.  They have Office, Teams and Defender as standalone installers.  You can edit some functions to suit your needs, but they work well.

Valued Contributor

That script I posted was also from the same MS github but since removed. Thanks for the updated links