Deploying Printers that Use Drivers from Apple


What is the best way to go about doing this? We have a handful of Konica Minolta copiers, I add those through Jamf Admin, push out the drivers from Konica Minolta alongside them and that all works smoothly. We also have several HP printers spread out around campus. We print IP direct to these. If I were to go up to a machine and manually install one of these, I'd just enter the IP address, and let the OS detect the printer and install the correct driver. I've added these HP printers in Jamf Admin, hoping for a similar behavior. The result, whenever a user adds one of these printers from self service, it installs the printer, but doesn't reach out to Apple for the driver until they print for the first time. Then, they are prompted to install the driver. Is there a way around this short of downloading drivers from the manufacturer (most of which come with all their added software) and pushing it out alongside?


Honored Contributor II
Honored Contributor II

@Gascolator You can download the Apple drivers from the Apple support site:

HP Drivers

However if you have any of the newer HP printers you'll need to deploy the HP Printer Essentials packages. Also, note that the Apple HP drivers package takes a little bit of time to install (few minutes) because it is 1GB or so worth of drivers.

You can use HP's Easy Admin tool to download the drivers:

This is also discussed in this JN Post:

Newest HP Printers


Great information. Thank you! I wasn’t aware of these resources.