Posted on 05-20-2011 12:48 AM
Hi all,
is there a way how to deploy the Sassafras Keyclient Package? I know, there is a commandlinetool inside the .mpkg.
Thanks for help,
Holger Bartels
Max-Planck-Institut for Biophysical Chemistry
IT & Elektronik Service
Am Faßberg 11
D-37077 Goettingen, Germany
phone: +49 (0)551 201-1398
e-mail: holger.bartels[at]
Posted on 05-20-2011 01:34 AM
Push out the package via Casper, as per any package, after uploading
the client.mpkg for Casper and setting to silent mode and set server
And then either configure with the commandline or push out a
preconfigured .plist file to the local Library
1 Note that by default, the installer will prompt for the KeyServer
address during installation. If you are using Apple Remote Desktop for
distribution of the mpkg, this dialog will appear on the computer where
the software is being installed - not on the computer where Remote
Desktop is running. Therefore, you will probably want to configure the
KeyServer address, and set the installer to silent mode. To do so, you
would do something like:
./Contents/Resources/k2clientconfig -h -s 2 -g yes (where K2Client.mpkg is the current directory)
2 "-r yes" will start KeyAccess after installation. In order to do so,
it must kill any currently running KeyAccess. If you do not use keyed
software, this has no unexpected consequences - if the client has a
connection to KeyServer, it will close the connection, and the newly
installed KeyAccess will open a new connection. However, if a keyed
program is running when this happens, the new session will not ask for
the key again. Therefore, KeyAccess will ask the user to quit the keyed
program about 15 minutes after the installation. For this reason, you
should only use "-r yes" if your clients do not yet have KeyAccess
software installed, or if you do not use any keyed programs. If you use
"-r yes", you may want to also use "-b no", since a restart is no longer
necessary. e.g.:
./Contents/Resources/k2clientconfig -r yes -b no (where
K2Client.mpkg is the current directory)
For one more example, suppose you want users who run the mpkg
installer not to be able to choose the server address. After
installation, you don't want them to be able to see the KeyAccess
Preference Panel, and don't want them to be able to make changes (such
as changing the KeyServer address). In this case, with K2Client.mpkg as
the current directory type something like:
./Contents/Resources/k2clientconfig -h -s 2 -g yes -p
no -l yes (where K2Client.mpkg is the current directory)
Criss Myers
Senior IT Analyst (Mac Services)
iPhone / iPad Developer
Apple Certified Technical Coordinator v10.5
LIS Development
Software Management Team
Adelphi Building AB28
University of Central Lancashire
Preston PR1 2HE
Ex 5050
01772 895050
Posted on 05-20-2011 02:47 AM
thanks. But I am a little bit confused. Should I cache the package and then start a selfmade installscript?
Wheewww, my brain today :)
Posted on 05-24-2011 06:54 PM
We run this as an "after reboot" item in Casper Admin. Deploying via policy also works. Cache or no cache, this is ARD-able so I shouldn't think this would make a difference.
Michael Crispin
Duke University
Posted on 05-25-2011 06:34 AM
Perhaps I'm missing something here, but wouldn't the easiest way be to
simply install it on a machine, and use Composer to create a DMG or PKG
using the pre-installed software option? That's how I've been doing it,
and haven't had any problems at all.
Terry Sheltra, Macintosh Support Technician
University of Virginia, School of Architecture
w: 434.982.3047 e: terrys at
Posted on 05-25-2011 06:55 AM
Errr no that's a bit ott, as you a can edit the mkpg directly and upload to Casper plus u can install on top of a previous version
This is the easiest and safest method
Criss Myers