Disable automatic updates for Spotify

New Contributor III

We allow our employees to use the spotify app. Most of them are standard users meaning they get prompted for admin credentials for the update helper. What we want to do is kill automatic updates and then they can update via either self service or we automatically manage updates when our autopkg/jss importer runs.

There are a few scripts on git to do this but none have really been proven to work.

Does anyone have a surefire solution for Big Sur?


New Contributor

Would also really like an answer to this. I use config profiles for Office, Slack, Chrome, etc.. Would love to find a similar com.spotify.whatever and create a .plist for it to set DisableAutoUpdate to True. 

New Contributor III

Were you ever able to come up with a solution for this? Zoom popping up after each update is worrisome as well.

New Contributor III

Were you able to figure this out?

New Contributor

New Contributor III

Did this work for you?

How do you block the Spotify update helper?

New Contributor

It seems like you're asking for a simple reply to be added along with your site link. Here's an example response you can use:

"To disable Spotify automatic updates, you can refer to various scripts shared online, such as this one: GitHub Gist . You can also try managing the updates manually or using tools like Autopkg.

Check out my site: https://spotiepremium.com."

New Contributor

To disable Spotify auto-updates on macOS Big Sur, remove or rename the update helper and block its update domains. First, delete or rename /Library/LaunchAgents/com.spotify.webhelper.plist and /Library/LaunchAgents/com.spotify.client.plist to prevent background updates. Then, modify permissions for /Applications/Spotify.app/Contents/MacOS/Spotify to block modification (sudo chflags uchg Spotify). Finally, use a firewall or DNS blocking to prevent connections to upgrade.spotify.com and spclient.wg.spotify.com. This stops auto-updates, allowing updates only through self-service or managed tools. Hope it helps.