Posted on 10-13-2011 12:51 AM
Use mxc and disallow access to the prefpane its there for a reason, so admins can administer! Best not move it because you don't know what you may screw up
Posted on 10-13-2011 09:36 PM
the problem with that is then any extras that you want to have in the
system preferences have to be explicitly allowed which gets to be such a
Todd Ness
Technology Consultant/Non-Windows Services
Americas Regional Delivery Engineering
HP Enterprise Services
Posted on 10-13-2011 10:30 PM
Oh yes, I've had to do that a few times in the past, but once done, that's it and the users aren't admin to install software so now worries.
Posted on 10-17-2011 12:28 AM
Got the iCloud disable working through MCX. See attached screenshots
Jared F. Nichols
Desktop Engineer, Client Services
Information Services Department
MIT Lincoln Laboratory
244 Wood Street
Lexington, Massachusetts 02420

Posted on 10-17-2011 12:33 AM
Hmm...Wonder if it has anything to do with the setting not liking User Level Enforced....
Did you try this with the Trackpad one as well? Or are you not suppressing that?

Posted on 10-17-2011 12:34 AM
I wasn't going to suppress that one as it's a significant UI change I'd like users to be aware of.
Jared F. Nichols
Desktop Engineer, Client Services
Information Services Department
MIT Lincoln Laboratory
244 Wood Street
Lexington, Massachusetts 02420
Posted on 10-17-2011 12:41 AM
Yep. Worked for the Gesture Movie as well:
Call me a non-conformist if you will, but 95% of the users we have are all as old skool as possible and would change the scrolling direction in a heartbeat (already asked a few). So for those of you looking to deliver the true "natural" scrolling...this worked for me.
Thanks for the help J.

Posted on 10-17-2011 12:54 AM
Very nice I like!
Posted on 10-17-2011 10:56 AM
Having issues with this and the Trackpad "how to scroll" stuff. Right now I've got 2 prefs set to manage both of these but still get this for new users. Currently I've got 2 custom prefs setup: - com.Apple.SetupAssistant - DidSeeCloudSetup - Boolean - True - GestureMovieSeen - String - I've tried "none" and "Trackpad" still prompts
Both are set to User Level Enforced and scoped to the correct System.
Any better way to prevent these from happening?
Posted on 10-17-2011 11:39 AM
I just have the did see cloud setup in the user template and it does not
prompt anymore for new accounts that get created.
I have not tried to disable the unnatural scrolling video since its so
unnatural that it might be helpful.
Todd Ness
Technology Consultant/Non-Windows Services
Americas Regional Delivery Engineering
HP Enterprise Services
Posted on 10-17-2011 11:39 AM
I'm also seeing the iCloud one not work.
Jared F. Nichols
Desktop Engineer, Client Services
Information Services Department
MIT Lincoln Laboratory
244 Wood Street
Lexington, Massachusetts 02420
Posted on 10-17-2011 11:45 AM
Yeah...through MCX I'm going to help the users by setting scrolling to what it has been since the scroll wheel was invented. ;-) Therefore, the "helper" is more of an annoyance.
Posted on 10-17-2011 11:58 AM
I just captured the plist and deployed filling all user templates and that resolved it. Still not sure why MCX wouldn't accept it.
Posted on 10-17-2011 05:11 PM
Is it possible to disable the iCloud preference pane via MCX? I have the MCX
for the initial prompt on first boot, but I want to disable it completely.
Kristen Dietiker
Client Services Manager
UW Department of Surgery
Posted on 10-17-2011 05:41 PM
Kristen -
It's on the user level in ; it's not a preference pane at all, just a regular ol' flat XML plist. You can suppress the iCloud thing on 10.7.2 with it as well. There are a number of ways to conquer this particular beast. Ask if you would like more specific direction.
Michael Crispin
Duke University
Posted on 10-17-2011 05:49 PM
Apologies - I should have read more carefully - you are not trying to suppress the iCloud from first user startup, you are trying to kill the entire iCloud pane.
Have you tried putting no access restrictive permissions on System/Library/CoreServices/PreferencePanes/iCloud.prefPane ?
There are of course a number of other methods that may more or less lead to systems instability, but starting from here I should think would be a good first step.
The dependancies on iCloud are all over the place and I would be careful here as this is something of a unknown venture. My advice is to think long and hard about your security environment and make sure you are not over thinking things.
Michael Crispin
Duke University
Posted on 10-18-2011 01:10 PM
Michael, thanks. I didn't realize that would effectively remove the pane
from the system preferences, which is what I wanted to do.
Kristen Dietiker
Client Services Manager
UW Department of Surgery