Disable MCX for admin user

Contributor III

I have a MCX that disables the user from using the security, sharing, and users and group system prefrences pane. It works great and they see it grayed out. What I want to do is create a troubleshooting document for our techs if they need to troubleshoot something. I read somewhere that you can disable MCX if you are logged in as an admin. Can someone provide information on how to do it? I read that you have to hold down the option key, but not sure at what point you need to do that (login?).


Contributor II

Login policy scoped to All Computers limited to specific tech local account sudo rm -rf /Library/Managed Preferences/TechAccountName

works well for us

Contributor III

Awesome...works great!

Valued Contributor II

Great idea :)

New Contributor

Or...you could just modify their MCX or Profile settings to allow this explicitly:

Under either Management Style, check for Login Window-> Options
"Computer administrators may refresh or disable management"

...if a local admin logs in, it will prompt them to either lift restrictions temporarily (for that session), allow them for the session, or refresh them (if MCX)

New Contributor

I am interested in how this setting works. "Computer administrators may refresh or disable management" I use profile manager to manage some systems and I force the start screen saver after 5 minutes setting. However i would like to change this locally on the machines and override this. If I enable the "Computer administrators may refresh or disable management" can I log in to the machine as admin and change the screen saver setting to say 15 minutes and then make the change stick on the machine. I would like to still have the machine using profile manager with its current settings, I just would like to override just a few machine in my network to have a different screen saver setting then all the others without making multiple profiles.