Disabling banners and Spaces

New Contributor

We are using Casper 9.61 and running Mac OS 10.9.5. I am trying to figure out a way to disable all notification banners in Mac OS (update notifications, email notifications, etc) to, roughly 1500 laptops. We are also trying to figure out how to disable Mission Control and Spaces. I cannot find anything in Configuration Profiles or Managed Preferences. Any suggestions would be appreciated.


New Contributor

I have two Self Serivce policies that will enable/disable notification center.

This will kill Notification Center (aka Banners)

sudo defaults write /System/Library/LaunchAgents/com.apple.notificationcenterui KeepAlive -bool False
killall NotificationCenter

This will turn them back on.

sudo defaults write /System/Library/LaunchAgents/com.apple.notificationcenterui KeepAlive -bool True
killall NotificationCenter

I'm sure there is something similar you could do for spaces. I haven't messed around with this. Just to note... It could cause problems with any user that wants to view apps in "full screen"

New Contributor

I did figure something else out as well after I posted this. I can use Composer and tell it to take a "New and Modified Snapshot", change the settings, and then finish the snapshot. It does require a reboot of the computer, but I can create a DMG of that and both of those settings will take effect. Is there a reason that this would be a problem?

Thank you for this option by the way.

New Contributor

I generally try to avoid that approach, only because I have been burned by unforeseen effects down the road. Doesn't mean your approach is bad... Its just a personal preference thing.

New Contributor

@andrew This is great. How would you suggest I disable notification banners and badges for one specific application?

Contributor II

Valued Contributor


best 8 mins today, good work mah man


New Contributor

@jacob_salmela You're the best! Thanks so much!

Contributor II

No problem! Mark it as an answer if you found it helpful.