Disabling Check for updates - ITunes, Flip4Mac, Adobe Acrobat


I currently manually uncheck check for updates in the applications I listed in the subject line after imaging a system. Is there a way to disable check for updates in these applications in a more automated manner with Casper?


Valued Contributor

There are a couple of MCX templates taking care of this for different programs.

Usually the auto-update feature is set in a program's preference .plist.
Have a look at the ```
defaults write
``` command to edit existing plists,
or simply capture your preferred preferences in a Composer package and push it to your clients.

New Contributor III

You have probably already gotten this worked-out but I used the built-in MCX template for Flip4Mac (net.telestream.wmv) and it worked fine to disable the Auto-update check interval in the System Preferences but not the Flip Player.

What I did to resolve that was then create a second preferences using the template but modifying the Definitions section to have net.telestream.Flip-Player.plist in the domain field and clicked Save. Now both the System Preference pane for Flip4Mac and the Flip Player have auto-check set to Never. Hope that helps someone.