Posted on 07-25-2013 11:33 AM
Does anyone have any advise as to how to mimic the functionality of Display status to user during login and logout to a subset of machines? I would like to enable this, but I don't want it to affect all machines. I'm pretty good with the scripting aspect of this problem, but I don't even know where to begin.
Posted on 07-25-2013 02:31 PM
That function gets set in the and scripts located at /Library/Application Support/JAMF/ManagementFrameworkScripts/
You can copy them out from that location to look at them. I'm not certain how "permanent" it would be, but I suppose you could temporarily enable the function on your JSS, run a jamf manage on a test Mac, then capture those scripts on that test machine, and finally wrap them up and deploy to only the Macs you want with this functionality, making sure they get dropped into "/Library/Application Support/JAMF/ManagementFrameworkScripts/". What I'm not certain about is whether they would last. Its possible they'd get overwritten with ones from the JSS' default setting at some point. If you do any 'jamf manage' commands in your policies I'm pretty sure they'd be overwritten.
Anyway, those scripts will show you how that works. Its really just a jamfHelper window for the most part. It first checks the JSS Connection with /usr/sbin/amf checkJSSConnection -retry 0 and if it passes goes on to display the jamfHelper hud window in the background and checks for policies.