Posted on 05-29-2013 07:58 AM
Hey all:
I'm currently using ( to alert users with drives over 90% full. It displays the message, but it gets cut off. The script is pretty simple. Any of you sending longer messages and have a solution?
Thanks for any help.
Posted on 05-29-2013 09:25 AM
It's possible that there is a character that is in your paramater that is causing the issue. I haven't used this script. Can you give an example of what your passing as paramater 4 and 5 as well as indicating where the script is cutting off?
You could also test for a length limit by passing a long stream of numbers.12345678901234567890...01234567890 (etc.)
Posted on 05-29-2013 11:06 AM
Probably should have caught this on my own, but I went back and fine-tooth-combed it. The character limit seems to be in the JSS. I hadn't hard-coded the message into the script, I was using the parameter text boxes in the script tab of a policy. When you save the policy, it truncates the text to whatever the limit is (~280).
I just hard-coded the message into a copy of the script. Works fine. Will use that. Thanks.
Posted on 05-29-2013 11:15 AM
That sounds rather close to 255 which is a magic number for some MYSQL variable/column limits.
Posted on 05-30-2013 06:08 AM
Could you not use jamfHelper for this its far more customizable. It can be written as a script and uploaded to Casper Admin, then scoped to a smart group or you can just run it from Caper Remote. Type this into terminal to get a man page : /Library/Application Support/JAMF/bin/ -help