DMGs and S3+Cloudfront guidance

New Contributor II

Need some guidance on the best practice when working with DMGs and S3+CF

I used Composer to make a DMG of TeamviewerQS

I have a test bucket in S3 and have it setup in the JSS as a cloud distro - (FYI as this is a POC I have permissions set as public, when in production I will be more secure)

We are using a JAMF hosted JSS

Do I use Casper Admin to Index and push the DMG to S3, OR

Upload the DMG to S3 first, then drag the DMG into Casper Admin for Indexing?

Thanks in advance for your opinions!



Valued Contributor II

@mlitton I think you can upload to the Cloud DP using the Casper Admin application. So you should be able to drag the file into Casper Admin, do the indexing in there then upload it to the Cloud DP. Is the Amazon Cloud DP set as your master distribution or do you have some other local distribution point(s) that are the master?

New Contributor II

Yes, Amazon Cloud DP is the master. (which I have setup in Computer Management > CDP)

I am using a DMG b/c I need it to go into the /Applications folder and the downloaded TeamviewerQS just opens in the download folder presently.

Valued Contributor II

@mlitton you only need to index the DMG file if you want to uninstall the software. If you don't think you're going to need to do that then there is no reason to worry about indexing the file.

New Contributor II

Cool. I do not want users to uninstall so I will not index. Thanks!