Posted on 12-19-2016 04:12 PM
I'm a little confused. I see that Microsoft released a very minor update to Office 2016 (to fix a folder path bug) two days after releasing 15.29 updates for the entire suite last week. These 15.29.1 updates apply only to Word, Excel, and PowerPoint and appear in the "Office 2016 Release History" table toward the bottom of the main page.
The package names are Microsoft_[Word/Excel/PowerPoint]_15.29.16121500_Updater.pkg implying they are not full standalone installers, and backing up that theory is the fact that the main "Latest Released Installer Package" table still lists the 15.29.0 [161209] 64-bit versions of the standalone installers, with "_Installer" at the end of the filenames of the downloaded packages.
However, the "_Updater" packages are basically the same sizes as the "_Installer" packages, ranging from ~880 MB for PowerPoint to 1.09 GB for Word. And I just tried to install the Excel "_Updater" package on a Mac with no previous installs of Office 2016, and it didn't give me any errors and activated with my Office 365 account successfully. It appears to be fully functional.
So, should I have to worry about applying 15.29 before applying 15.29.1?
(In reality, I'm only going to apply 15.29 to systems that have an earlier version, and users can apply the delta updates that are under 100 MB each using MAU, rather than me pushing ~3 GB of updates for 15.29.1, but I am still curious about this...)
Posted on 12-20-2016 12:16 AM
I don't think you should worry. As you say, they have the same size, and every _Updater has been a full installer so far.