Dock duplicating itself, can't figure out why

New Contributor

So I have a configuration profile that enforces a custom Dock, and I've never really had problems with it, but now that I made a new imaging configuration, I am randomly seeing the dock doubled when I log in with the local administrator account that my configuration makes. It only seems to effect that local admin account, and mobile network accounts are unaffected. It also doesn't happen every time I test imaging a machine - it has only happened 2-3 random times in 15-20 tests, but I'm going to be netbooting around 150 machines over the next week and I don't want to run into this inconvenience. Anyone have any ideas what could be causing this? I've tried trashing the plists in both ~/Library and /Library to no avail.7804dc1a24ff4ce38574dcb94d7204e4


Contributor II

I like it.

Not helpful, but rue.