Download Institutional Recovery Key

New Contributor III

We configured our M1 computers with an FileVault 2 using an institutional recovery key this fall and now I have one that is locked up after we sent the Jamf 'lock computer' command to it and now I need to unlock it but I don't have the key. There are a few posts here that have great instructions for this process, however, they all reference downloading the key from any computer that was set up with that FV configuration. I don't see anywhere in the computer records that I can download this from. The only place that looks promising is in the Jamf Settings under 'Disk Encryption Configurations' but if I click 'download' at the bottom of the page, it downloads a .pem file and the instructions all refer to .p12 file. So far we haven't had any luck locating the original file that was created and uploaded when we made the configuration. Any thoughts?


New Contributor II

Do you have a local admin account on the mac ?
Can you put it into target disk mode, retrieve any data then wipe the disk and clean install the OS ?