Dual Boot?

New Contributor


I've looked through old list submissions and read all the stories of
heartburn regarding Winclone going away.

What I'm wondering is if anyone has found a way to successfully deploy a
Windows partition and Windows 7 image to a Mac Mini (brand spanking new one)
so that the machine will dual boot?

I've created my configuration, applied the Windows partition (NTFS),
seemingly created a Windows 7 image using Winclone and even danced with the
devil in the pale moon light. But, the end result is the same: no Windows
image to the Windows partition via CapserImaging. I don't even get an
error. It says it's installing the image, does that for about 10 seconds,
then reboots like it's done. But, alas, no Windows joy.

Does anyone have a workflow they use to successfully deploy a Windows 7
image to a dual boot machine via the CasperSuite?



-- Drew Lane
Director of Technology
Derby Public Schools
Office: 316.788.8591
Google Voice: 913.912-3931



Hey Drew,

I just worked through this this week. You'll need to make sure the Windows partition you are restoring to is at least as big as the partition that you captured the Windows image from. So if the partition that held the master image was 60 GB, the partition you'll restore to using Casper Imaging will need to be at least 60 GB.

You may have seen this already: http://jamfsoftware.com/kb/article.php?id=283

They don't mention using the "Shrink" option in WinClone before capturing the image but I did that this week and it seems to be working fine. This will result in the "image partition" size being about the same size as the actual spaced used by the image and will give you some more flexibility on partition sizes in your configurations.

Hope this helps.


Honored Contributor

I did this back in Casper 5 and used NTFS-progs and FUSE and a script to block copy the ISO windows image to a NTFS partition. I think ntfsprogs is discontinued and I did this with Windows XP, not Windows 7, so not sure if it is applicable. I can try to dig through my documentation and old files to see if I have any of it. We used self service to actually control the dual booting via a policy.
