eBooks not available

New Contributor II

I have managed iPads that I have purchased the eBooks for on Apple and created Managed Apple IDs for in Jamf Pro. The eBooks are set to be available in Self Service mand scoped to be All Mobile Devices. The eBooks appear on the iPads inside Self Service, but the "get" button is grayed out. Can someone help me understand what I'm missing? 


New Contributor II

Yeah, I have Apple Education Support set up. I just got off a Zoom conference with someone from Jamf. Long story short, we had to go to: 

  • users
  • search users > search
  • import

And go through the process of importing all of my users from ASM. It appeared they were not automatically importing when they should have. I did not have any VPN/Tokens out of date, but we had already reuploaded them to troubleshoot prior. 

Thanks so much for being so helpful! This was very frustrating. 

View solution in original post


Contributor III

You have to map license to the user in users tap

You first need to make  Invitations profile, so the MAID get a user in Jamf pro and then use Volume Assignments to assign the license, remeber that ebook license is non reclaimable 

New Contributor II

Thanks! I have an Invitations Profile for my iOS devices, it is set to the Location for volume purchasing it should be, and the distribution method is: automatically register only users with Managed Apple IDs and skip invitation. The scope is all users. 

New Contributor II

I also have a personally created student testing Apple ID, and when I search the list of invitation users, I do not see it on the list. Could it be that my ASM and Jamf aren't communicating the new users I'm creating? 


To get it working for me. I do this

1. Sync users from asm to jamf pro

2. Invitation profile

3. Volume assign profile

4. Map it to self service under eBook.

Number 3 is the one that get a license from ASM to the user.

Have you setup Apple Education Support?


New Contributor II

Yeah, I have Apple Education Support set up. I just got off a Zoom conference with someone from Jamf. Long story short, we had to go to: 

  • users
  • search users > search
  • import

And go through the process of importing all of my users from ASM. It appeared they were not automatically importing when they should have. I did not have any VPN/Tokens out of date, but we had already reuploaded them to troubleshoot prior. 

Thanks so much for being so helpful! This was very frustrating.