eBooks won't automatically install onto iPads

New Contributor III

We are doing a large Digital Citizenship push in our school district and part of the program requires students to read an eBook about it. I purchased the book through VPP and scoped it to all of our iPads and set it to install automatically. The book showed up in self service but didn't install automatically to all devices. I've tried re-pushing and sending out a blank push but it still will not install. When installing through Self Service it asks for the Apple ID password which none of our teachers or students are allowed to have access to. Is there a step I'm missing?

Edit: I figured it out. I in fact was missing a step. I had assigned them to static groups but I hadn't assigned them to specific users. Therefore the books weren't in the purchase history and couldn't be installed. Once I assigned them to the users as well as my static groups they pushed out fine.