EDU profile will not appear on 5 of our ipads

New Contributor

I am about to scream. After several hours on the phone with ASM and JAMF, and after being moved up the chain about three times, the issue is not resolved. All my info in ASM is correct and synced, the 5 students show up in all their classes as offline, and their ipads DO NOT show an EDU profile, even though I have checked User ID and location, I have verified it matches in ASM, I have verified I have the right ipad, the right person, the right Apple ID, and done blank push and update inventory and everything else you could think of. Still no dice. The one thing I discovered is that on all the messed-up ipads, the roster info did not sync over. I put it in manually, but still no dice. ANYONE have this issue? I am mega frustrated.


Valued Contributor

Yes, I'm getting this at the moment. I've got a call open with Jamf Support. Sometimes it takes ages for the EDU profile to be pushed through. Some users it's not even being pushed out.

This was working fine last week.

New Contributor II

Im in the same boat about a week into the school year EDU profiles just stopped. i contacted everyone with no luck. i finally updated Jamf to 10.6.2 yesterday and noticed after the full reboot that it worked for about an hour. so i tried restarting tomcat same story, yesterday we restarted tomcat twice and its been up for about 18 hours with no issue(new record). im wondering if a couple stuck commands locked up everything and each reboot pushed another through. only time will tell.

Valued Contributor III

Hi @jenbethstew,

Check for an old user object that may be still in Users. It may have the original roster info still with the hidden unique identifier needed to do the matching properly. Once matched = always matched. Delete the old user and then force sync and that might do it. If you have access to the DB, Support should be able to see the user ID that is matched.

On another note, just an FYI, I had a bunch of teacher iPads this past two weeks where Apple Classroom had all students grayed out. Reinstalling Apple Classroom did not help. I had to make a change to the Class to push out a new EDU profile to fix it. I did it by adding a teacher or student group temporarily, waiting, then removing it. EDU profile sent, problem fixed.


Valued Contributor II

JP 10.6.2,
iOS device 11.3 or higher, but not iOS 12
I am seeing many devices not getting the edu profile when expected

Either Manually created classes based on Device Smart groups
ASM Synced classes
With Jamf's help we removed all users' information based on last year's roster info so my users are cleaned up
Devices are checking in and getting commands, but the edu profile never queues up.
Class of 24, 5 do not get the profile, and I cannot find anything that stands out about these devices
Another class or 23, 11 do not get profile

Valued Contributor

I'm still working on this with Jamf support. Each time they restart the instance the profiles eventually go through but stop again. Something seems to be stopping commands running.

New Contributor II

AHA! We've got this issue too!

Valued Contributor II

Our issue was resolved once we discovered some students were still asssigned to last year's device as well as their new device this year.
Once we cleaned that up, we did an ldap refresh on the new devices and then the edu profiles came down as expected.

New Contributor II

THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR COMMENT! I had exactly that problem with a teacher's ipad. Even after reinstalling it didn't work. Then I looked up, if that username was already used by another ipad. And that exactly was the case! For a short test we used that username on another ipad and never deleted it. Now by deleting it, it worked immediately! Without that comment I don't know what hours would have been spent into this finding the error.

Valued Contributor III

We found one additional reason why a teacher’s Apple Classroom stopped working. They had joined the WiFi using a private MAC address. Once we turned that off it began working consistently again. It might be related to our Aruba network and Clearpass.. we’ve switched to WiFi profiles with that setting off. 

New Contributor II

Maybe it's very important to note, that we can't use the same username on two devices!

New Contributor III

I am having a similar issue with a couple of my Macbooks. The EDU profile will not install. I have a case open with Jamf and they still have not been able to figure out why the EDU is not being installed.

Valued Contributor III

Hello. Is it a pending command, or just not there?

New Contributor III

When I remove the Username, Full Name, and email and check the management history - there are no commands, nothing pending or Failed.

New Contributor III

I add their information back in... Nothing.

New Contributor III

After a wipe from Jamf, deleting the record, resync, and re-enrolling - the teachers now have the EDU profile installed and Classroom works. 

I'm glad I only had a couple to wipe!

New Contributor III
Not there.
* Regards, *
* Alison A. Meeth*
Device Management Specialist
316 771 2218
* *

Valued Contributor III

I'll suggest a couple of things, some might be basic please don't be offended.

Is there another Mac assigned to the same username?

If you look on the User side of jamf, does that username have a Roster tab that is getting updated with the ASM sync? (how are the MAIDs and classes getting to ASM, i.e. do you ahve a sync with your SIS?)

Is the teacher's username definitely in a class in ASM?

If you assign the username to an iPad, does it get the EDU profile?

Will check for answers tomorrow..


Thanks for the advice, I will check it.