Expected behavior post changing the CA server hostname in JAMF Pro Configuration

New Contributor


Quick question - what is the expected behavior for certs deployed to registered devices, in case the CA server hostname changes (not ADCS Connector, but Issuing CA server hostname)? The CA itself stays the same, only the hostname of the underlying server changes.

Example: Issuing CA Name: Microsoft PKI CA G2

Current server hostname: pki2016.contoso.com

New server hostname: pki2019.contoso.com

Is cert re-issuance and re-reployment triggered, does JAMF treat this as a new CA (even if the CA thumbprint/chain stays the same) and decides a re-push is needed? I've seen a similar behavior with other MDM platforms using NDES, if the SCEP URL would change, all certs would be re-issued and redeployed...

Thanks in advance for your help and support!