Export Inventory Reports JSS 9.65

Contributor III

there does not seem to be a way to export or print Inventory reports in JSS 9.65, no options, no button, nothing.

Is this another bug with this version or is it a feature?

Whats the point of doing reports if they cannot be used outside of the web console?

If we do a Inventory Report for "Search - Application - Adobe* - Version - *"
a nicely formatted report comes back but there is noway to export this report, is this correct or are we missing something?


Legendary Contributor III

Click the Export button after running the report, choose one of the options, like comma separated (csv) then export it. It will save the report into a file in your computer which you can then print.

Contributor III

@mm2270 There is no "Export" button, the only choice we have is a dropdown giving different view options.

Legendary Contributor III

In that case it might be a bug in 9.65. Either that, or there is a privilege setting that controls that function which isn't enabled for the account you're logged into the JSS with. I'm not in front of ours right now so I can't recall if exporting reports is a setting that needs to be checked on per account. But there should absolutely be an export button. One last thought - you are in the inventory report section and not viewing a Smart Group correct? To my knowledge Smart Groups can't be exported but advanced reports can be.

Contributor III

@mm2270 The account I am using has "Administrator" privileges, there does not seem to be a check box not ticked.

Legendary Contributor III

@dmw3 - sorry to ask what seem like silly questions, but, you're scrolling all the way down to the bottom of the page after running the report right? The Export and Action buttons are way at the bottom of whatever shows up in a report, not anywhere else. I think this is a bit annoying myself, but that's how they designed it.

If you are scrolling down and you still don't see them I can only conclude its a bug in 9.65. I just logged into our 9.63 JSS to look and they are definitely there in that version. If it is a bug that's very unfortunate. We were planning initially on doing our upgrade this weekend, but heard of some possible Casper Admin sharepoint mounting issues. If this is something else that's a bug we're definitely holding off on that update.

Contributor III

@mm2270 Scroll to the bottom of the page and no buttons after the last line of the report.

the last line of the report gives "Unique Computers" and is highlighted in green but nothing after that.

Contributor III

Another thing is , in a big report it does not allow me to view by page or number of lines, one report I ran had 3708 lines in it.

Legendary Contributor III

Well, that's disappointing.
Another thought came to me though. What browser are you viewing this in? I've switched to accessing our JSS exclusively with Firefox for as much as I dislike Firefox, because Safari and the JSS really don't like each other. At least they didn't as recently as version 9.61 and I don't believe that's changed recently. Lots of odd rendering problems in Safari when viewing the JSS.
If you're looking at it in Safari, can you try another browser, like Firefox or Chrome and see if its the same? if it is, I would report this to your JAMF account manager to see if they can figure out what's going on.

Contributor III

@mm2270 I have tried - Chrome latest version, Firefox latest version, Safari latest version.

No change in behaviour, would really like to get this working, next step is the account manager.

Anyone using JSS 9.65 see this or can you export a report ok, if so where is the export button located on the page, might have to look at the script of the page.

Valued Contributor

I'm on 9.65 hosted and I still have export ability.

I click Search Inventory and using one of my canned reports, boot drive full, I get this view.

external image link

Sounds like a call to JAMF is in order.

You can export inventory searches, as well as static and smart group results. You can't export the detailed list of who has/hasn't run a policy or config profile.

New Contributor III

I've checked all of the JSSes we manage that are on version 9.65 and they do have the Export button and can export without issues.

dmw3 - For your account "Access" does it say Full Access?

Legendary Contributor III

Glad some of those on 9.65 are reporting in on this. I was worried this was a bug introduced in that release, but its looking like that's not the case. @dmw3, it sounds like your database may need some repairs, or call JAMF support and have them take a look. Something's not right if you still can't see those buttons.

Another silly question - have you restarted your JSS, or at least restarted Tomcat services to see if it clears up? Stranger things have happened.

Contributor III

I have just had a session with JAMF support and have been through this issue, they agreed that doing a search this way there is no-way to export the report.

Using the screenshots below as a guide can others see if they get the same report and there is no export button available.

If this can be confirmed a feature request will be listed for this functionality to be added.

Valued Contributor

Ahh.. it looks like results besides Computers can not be exported.

Contributor III

@adamcodega Thanks for the confirmation. looks like feature request is going in then.

New Contributor

There are no Export or Action buttons when using Chrome

Valued Contributor II

It's 2017 and we still don't have the export function on these pages. I hope Jamf is just reserving it for the 10.0 release.

New Contributor

Ahhhh... There is the export button! Thus I didn't see the export button myself. Hence the reason why I perform a search and ended up here. However, after finally giving up. I decided to copy out the fields and paste it into Excel. I selected the Show All fields at the top right corner. Then I went to scroll down to check the amount of entries and voila! The Export button was at the bottom of the page. Thus I would imagine if you went to the last page or simply change the Show field to All. Then the Export button would appear!

Hope this helps!