Exporting Mobile Config file from JSS (PERL Issues)

New Contributor II

I have currently managed to export the XML from the API, but I am trying to pull the Mobile Configuration out of the Payload within the XML.

I am struggling to execute a Perl Command to do so, and cannot for the life of me work out why this is failing:

perl -MHTML::Entities -pe 'decode_entities($_);'

The error it outputs is:

Can't locate HTML/Entities.pm in @INC

Now I don't have much experience using PERL, and would appreciate any guidance on how other people have managed to pull out the Mobile Config payload from the XML. The reason I am not using the GUI to export is due to the work I am doing, being experimentation of an Automated Version Control of JAMF Environments for the key parts of our MacOS Build.


New Contributor II

Just in-case it makes any difference, I am using the Cloud JAMF Product