Extension Attribute for Adobe Remote Update Manager - Listing all available updates

New Contributor III

Hi all!

I've created a nice little Extension Attribute which will list any pending updates for installed Adobe Creative Cloud applications.



# Check if the Adobe Remote Update Manager (AUSST) is installed
if [ ! -e "/usr/local/bin/RemoteUpdateManager" ]; then
    echo "<result>Adobe Remote Update Manager (AUSST) not found.</result>"
    exit 1

# Run the Adobe Remote Update Manager and capture the output
output=$(sudo /usr/local/bin/RemoteUpdateManager --action=list)

# Check if no updates are available
if echo "$output" | grep -q "No new applicable Updates. Seems like all products are up-to-date."; then
    echo "<result>No new applicable Updates. Seems like all products are up-to-date.</result>"
    # Filter and print the available updates
    updates=$(echo "$output" | grep -o "\([A-Z]\+\)\/[0-9.]\+\/[a-zA-Z0-9-]\+" | grep -E "ACR|PS|AI|ID|AE|PR|AU|DW|FL|ILST|PSST|IDSN|AICY|PSCC|IDCC|AECC")
    if [ -n "$updates" ]; then
        echo "<result>$updates</result>"
        echo "<result>Unable to retrieve update information.</result>"

The output (depending on how many columns you have displayed) looks like this:



And using this Extension Attribute for Smart Grouping with the following criteria:

Screenshot 2023-06-06 at 14.25.06.png


This makes a nice group to scope to remediation policy to run RUM till the applications update!


New Contributor

@rossmclaren This is a cool script! I have a question for you if you don't mind me asking. I've been looking into different options for utilizing Adobe RUM to help manage updates. One thing I'm noticing is that running the RUM process will invariably result in a failed update/install attempt if the software program is running while the update is attempted. Have you developed any particular methods for dealing with that situation? This is not a problem if I am the one sitting at the computer triggering the update process but in the case with end users, the majority will not be interesting/willing/aware of the need to close their software program before attempting an update.