Posted on 09-04-2014 11:15 PM
Hi all, just wanted to share an extension attribute I wrote to obtain the license status of a Parallels Desktop installation. It searches for the word "ACTIVE" in the license info for Parallels. Should work for v10 and v9 (and probably backwards compatible to a certain number of versions). Handy to see which computers have an active license for Parallels installed and which ones are deactivated/running on a trial! Hope it helps someone!
Set the data type to "String", Inventory Display to "Extension Attributes" (or whatever you choose) and input type to "Script"
result=`sudo prlsrvctl info --license | grep ACTIVE`
if [ "$result" != "" ]; then
echo "<result>Active</result>"
echo "<result>Inactive</result>"
Posted on 09-21-2015 10:50 AM
Sorry to hijack an old thread. But we're trying to pull the installed Parallels serial number.
How do we take this:
$ prlsrvctl info --license | grep "serial" | awk '{ print $1 }'
And trim the output, so we can have an EA that shows just the serial number:
$ prlsrvctl info --license | grep "serial" | awk '{ print $1 }' | <insert-missing-logic>
Posted on 09-21-2015 11:42 AM
Try this one:
$ prlsrvctl info --license | grep "serial" | awk '{ print $1 }' | cut -f2 -d'='
This tells cut to use '=' as a delimiter. Everything before '=' is field 1 (serial), everything after is field 2 (desired output). Specifying -f2 tells cut we just want field 2.
Posted on 09-21-2015 12:10 PM
I don't have Parallels to test, but this may also work:
prlsrvctl info --license | awk -F'"' '/serial/{print $2}'
Pull the data from prlsrvctl info
passing to | awk
, set up awk's field separator -F
to be a quote mark '"'
, use awk's regex matching to only look at lines including "serial" in them '/serial/
and print field 2 {print $2}'
(which happens to be the string between the quote marks)
Posted on 09-21-2015 03:58 PM
Wow you guys rock, I'll get this into an EA and will punt this over to the EA here on JAMF Nation section with full credit to you guys.
if [ -f "/usr/local/bin/prlsrvctl" ]; then
echo "<result>`/usr/local/bin/prlsrvctl info --license | awk -F '"' '/serial/{print $2}'`</result>"
echo "<result>"NotInstalled"</result>"
Posted on 09-21-2015 07:44 PM
Craig Peterson (Parallels) gave us a couple more tips, will send them in for EA approval:
is_volume= returns yes for PDB or no for consumer (requires 10.1.2 or later for this to work):
prlsrvctl info --license | awk -F'"' '/is_volume/{print $2}'
Posted on 09-21-2015 08:14 PM
One other tip from Craig (Parallels)...
Parallels Desktop older than 10.1.1 or older will show key_number which would follow a PDEI.xxxxxxxx.00xx format.
Parallels Desktop 10.1.2 or later won't include a key_number value.
Is there a way to do the if statement in a way that if key_number returns no value, echo NoValue. If key_value returns a value, echo that value?
Here is the command:
/usr/local/bin/prlsrvctl info --license | awk -F '"' '/key_value/{print $2}'
Posted on 09-22-2015 06:29 AM
@donmontalvo There are probably a few different ways you can approach this. The simplest way might be to check for a null value being returned by the command and then echoing back the appropriate string in the if/then section. For example:
keyvalue=$(/usr/local/bin/prlsrvctl info --license 2>/dev/null | awk -F '"' '/key_value/{print $2}')
if [ -z "$keyvalue" ]; then
echo "<result>No Value</result>"
echo "<result>$keyvalue</result>"
In the first command I'm piping errors to /dev/null 2>/dev/null
I'm not certain if that's necessary since I don't have the /usr/local/bin/prlsrvctl
binary on my Mac to check that with, but its a good idea in case you would normally get an error back or some string like "No value" etc. Since the if/then statement checks for a null value, we want to be sure nothing gets returned other than a valid key_value string.
Try that and see how it works. You'll need to test it on both 10.1.1 or older and 10.1.2 or newer versions to be sure.
Posted on 09-22-2015 07:15 AM
@mm2270 nice, how does this look for returning $key_value if an old version (pre-10.1.2) is installed, or $serial if a new version (10.1.2 or later) is installed?
FYI, Only Parallels 10.1.2 or later is supported by their License Portal.
Mucho danke!
key_value=$(/usr/local/bin/prlsrvctl info --license 2>/dev/null | awk -F '"' '/key_value/{print $2}')
serial=$(/usr/local/bin/prlsrvctl info --license 2>/dev/null | awk -F '"' '/serial/{print $2}')
if [ -f "/usr/local/bin/prlsrvctl" ]; then
if [ -z "$key_value" ]; then
echo "<result>$serial</result>"
echo "<result>$key_value</result>"
echo "<result>"NotInstalled"</result>"
Posted on 09-22-2015 07:21 AM
@Josh.Smith thanks for the command, we tested and found it included the quotes, so we went with the other. Both work though. Going to JNUC2015?
Posted on 09-22-2015 07:47 AM
Hi Don,
Looks OK from here, but again, I don't have the product here to test with. If it returns what you're after, then I'd say go for it.
Posted on 06-28-2019 06:25 AM
This is great!!
I am adding it to our EA list is there a way of extracting the Version that is installed?