Posted on 10-16-2012 11:25 AM
Seeking assistance with creating an extension attribute that will collect the following info:
For OS X 10.8
sudo defaults read /Library/Preferences/OpenDirectory/DynamicData/Active Directory/mydomain.plist | grep host
This command returns the "last used servers" for the Global Catalog server and domain server.
Can someone guide me with the best way to achieve this with an extension attribute? Also, how can I achieve the same for OS X lion?
Posted on 10-16-2012 11:55 AM
If your "defaults read" is correct:
lastGC=`sudo defaults read /Library/Preferences/OpenDirectory/DynamicData/Active Directory/mydomain.plist | grep host`
[ "${lastGC}" != "" ] && { echo "<result>${lastGC}</result>"; } || { echo "<result>None</result>"; }