I am trying to setup an extension attribute to verify if MS defender is enabled on devices in our environment. When I save the EA I only get a response from 1 device but I need responses from all of my devices. Any advice would be appreciated! Thanks
echo "<result>`mdatp health | grep real_time_protection_enabled| awk '{print $3}'`</result>"
Monday - last edited yesterday
@nhenderson You should use the full path to the mdatp binary, and don't assume it's installed so you can report an error it if isn't. Something like this:
result="Not Installed"
if [ -e "$mdatpPath" ]; then
result=$("$mdatpPath" health | grep real_time_protection_enabled | awk '{print $3}')
echo "<result>$result</result>"
(You were also missing a space preceding the pipe between your grep and awk statements)
I appreciate the quick response! I have made the changes and I will see if that works.