Posted on 03-21-2014 01:36 PM
So I decided to try managing FileVault with Casper, and I setup a profile as they did in this video:
We bind our Macs to AD with Centrify.
Encryption went fine (although it was showing the users the key, so I got some post-its with "Do you need this"). I was then getting reports that users couldn't change their password, that the button was greyed out. I finally found that by removing the FileVault profile, the button enabled again.
This is despite not setting any options under Security & Privacy => General tab. And then changing "Allow user to change password" both on and off.... didn't matter, still grayed out. Only thing that changed it was removing the profile.
Mavericks 10.9.2, Centrify 5.1.3. Haven't patched our JSS to latest yet, I think I'm one behind.
Posted on 12-04-2014 08:15 AM
This is a known issue and I have had a defect open with JAMF for quite some time now. They try to blame it on Apple but I did a comparison between the config profiles and found the issue. I then created a custom payload that solved my problem. I was just trying to block users from being able to turn off encryption.
Posted on 12-04-2014 08:17 AM
Defect# D-005736, FYI. In the release notes it doesn't say exactly this problem but I confirmed with JAMF they have it in the notes on their side.