FileVault2 - Setup

New Contributor III

What is the best practices in setting up FV2? Thanks.


Valued Contributor

Well, the only best practice is to test, test, test, before deploying to everyone.

Encrypt a laptop and then find out the course of action to decrypt a laptop when you can't log into it. Find out if you have older Macs that may take longer to encrypt, what effect will that have on users?

You'll also need to decide if it's more appropriate to use individual recovery keys which the JSS escrows or use an institutional recovery key. You'll learn the difference in these resources:

JAMF Software has the Administering FileVault 2 with Casper Suite guide

@rtrouton is a Casper Suite administrator who gives frequent talks on FileVault 2 and also blogs on his website. They got him to talk about something besides FV2 at the 2014 JNUC but you can check out his 2013 talk on administering FileVault 2 with Casper Suite.

New Contributor III

@adamcodega... thanks a lot!